Health is the most precious thing!The human body to function properly requires three vital elements: air, water and food. Each of these three elements can positively or negatively influence the functioning of the body. To have good mood and optimistic, our body must be healthy. Therefore you should be very careful what kind of food we eat, the quality of the water we drink,

Such as food and water can cause serious injury. A number of conditions that can cause contaminated water properly are:

1. Gastroenteritis (dysentery, diarrhea)
This condition is the result of consumption of contaminated water with various viruses: rotavirus, bacteria (e-coli, salmonella, sighella, cholera) or protozoa (amoeba, giardia). The most common symptom is sudden onset of watery stools.
It may be associated with vomiting, fever, abdominal pain and blood in stool (dysentery). Most often, these infections are self-limiting and lasts only a few days. Some, however, can last more than 3-4 weeks.
A common complication is dehydration manifested by increased thirst, lethargy, reduced amount of urine, dark. Children are more prone to dehydration than adults. Deaths from diarrhea are common in children aged under five.
Treatment involves oral or intravenous hydration. Oral solution for oral rehydration are first-line therapy in children. Sometimes it may be necessary for the short half of antibiotics.


2. Viral Hepatitis

Viral hepatitis A and E are the most common causes of jaundice. Hepatitis begins with an early stage of fever, nausea, varstaturi for 3-4 days, followed by the onset of jaundice.
It usually takes 3-4 weeks. Treat self and sometimes complicated by liver failure. Pregnant women should emphasize viral hepatitis, as in pregnancy are more likely to develop liver failure as a consequence of hepatitis E.
We should not be given any special treatment. No dietary restrictions are required. Common alternative drug treatments offers questionable benefits and can cause damage in some patients.


  • 3. Typhoid fever
    It is caused by certain types of bacteria and begins with high fever, loss of appetite and lethargy. Blood tests are needed for diagnosis. Treatment consists of antibiotics, such as ciprofloxacin or azithromycin ceftiaxona.


  • 4. Cholera

    A person can contact cholera through water or eating food contaminated with the cholera bacterium. The disease spreads rapidly in geographical areas where sanitation is poor and drinking water is infected. Personal hygiene contributes largely to the occurrence and severity of cases of cholera. Currently available oral vaccines against cholera.